The market as we have seen during the pre-ETF  phase has been so driven by the speculations of a possible approval with an approval rating of some applicants reaching as high as 90% plus. It is no doubt that the rally we saw from the 30k level up to 40k for the first time in a year was due to the hype that surrounded the Bitcoin Spot ETF. Say the ETF does get approved then what exactly would be the state of the crypto market afterwards.


There is nothing more appealing and waited upon right now apart from the Bitcoin halving and the full blown Bull Run than the Bitcoin Spot ETF approval. This coming event has been shaking the crypto space since June last year. Should the ETFs be approved this January, latest the 10th, here are 5 things we should expect to see take effect positively in the crypto space:

  1. Buying and storing Bitcoin would become a lot easier and safer.

 Crypto assets do not have the same protections as securities in a brokerage account or        cash in a bank. should you leave your cryptocurrency on an exchange, the caveat is that you    may lose everything if that exchange fails or is hacked.

  1. Increased Adoption.

 Practically almost anyone would be able to buy bitcoin and may also show interest in             other crypto related assets 

  1. Market Validation.

 The approval and successful launch of a spot Bitcoin ETF would

serve as a validation of Bitcoin and boosts its confidence within the mainstream financial system.

  1. Overwhelming Liquidity.

The spot ETF is a window opening to a bulk load of liquidity. Forget the fact that the applicants are coming with huge money from investment funds as asset managers but also look at the new series of investors that are going to be coming in for the first time. Their percentage will not be small when the time comes. 

watch this video on how to buy Bitcoin ETFs by Crypto hustle


There are many uncharted territories that are potentially gearing up to be unleashed for the blockchain technology through the Bitcoin Spot ETFs should it be approved. It is very important to be rightly informed and concerning this crucial approval the Crypto university network is the best deals page for you.  You can also learn how to prepare for the uncharted possibilities that may likely be activated via these Bitcoin Spot ETFs from the weekly posts from Crypto Hustle YouTube page.