What is DePIN?

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks, (DePIN) refers to networks that connect physical hardware devices in a decentralized manner. These networks are supported by cryptocurrency-based rewards and incentives.

It aims to bridge the digital and physical spaces using crypto-based technologies. It focuses on creating democratized technologies that can compete with or replace centralized offerings.

Why DePIN is important for you?

Contributors who provide the necessary hardware to the network actively contribute to its adoption and decentralization, earning rewards in cryptocurrencies.

It has the potential to drive the development of Web3 and solidifying cryptocurrencies as vital resources.

The DePIN Landscape.

Now we are going to look at the existing categorisations in the landscape and understand what each represents:

Physical resource.

Projects and companies integrating decentralization and cryptocurrencies into physical products comprise this sector. It divides into two subcategories:

  • sensor physical resource
  • wireless physical resource

DePIN Module.

Projects within this sector aim to integrate decentralization into modular systems, which are used for mass adoption or various use cases. It is more technical and has a few subcategories that we will discuss in its own article.

Digital Resource.

Products integrating decentralization into the use of digital resources compose this sector, divided into 4 subcategories

  • compute digital resource
  • artificial intelligence digital resource
  • storage
  • bandwidth digital resources.


We explored a brief introduction to the DePIN landscape, anticipating that this innovation will broaden the use cases of cryptocurrencies beyond finance and transactions.

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