Transforming the Supply Chain Landscape with Blockchain

Transforming the Supply Chain Landscape with Blockchain

It is estimated that the supply chain industry represents over $50 trillion in annual GDP globally. In a 2017 report by Statista, the global blockchain technology market is predicted to reach 339.5 million U.S. dollars in size and is forecast to grow to US$2.3 billion...
Commercial Real Estate in a Digital Asset Economy

Commercial Real Estate in a Digital Asset Economy

Historically, the real estate industry has lagged in adopting new technology. However, research shows that implementation of blockchain technology can have a range of benefits for the sector going into the future. According to Deloitte blockchain technology has...
The Rise of Decentralised Media

The Rise of Decentralised Media

New tech is changing the media and entertainment industry. New business models are being generated to cater to consumers who are increasingly expecting media and entertainment providers to deliver better choice, convenience and value packaged in personalised and...
Making a blockchain-powered insurance industry reality

Making a blockchain-powered insurance industry reality

Insurance involves a risk transfer mechanism that entails a company taking a potential risk from a customer in form of a loss or damage caused by events beyond the control of the customer and in return the customer pays a fee called premium. These premiums are...