What Does Longing Mean?

What Does Longing Mean?

What does longing mean? You may have heard someone say they went long or took a long position. What does this really mean? How can you take a long position? Let’s just imagine for a moment you wanted to speculate on Bitcoin. Looking at price action, you reason that...
How To Become A Crypto Trader

How To Become A Crypto Trader

A professional trader is someone who makes their living by trading. Different people will have different opinions on what it takes to be a professional trader. Nobody that earns income from trading is wrong about how they earn, some of them may just earn differently....
How To Become A Crypto Investor

How To Become A Crypto Investor

This article was made with cryptocurrency in mind but is relevant for all types of investments. The term investment in this article will refer to the long-term accumulation and transfer of assets over space and time (investing). Research what you want to invest in It...
How to Gain Confidence Trading

How to Gain Confidence Trading

Practice every day. There is such a thing as over-trading, but as a beginner, you need to practice every day to gain exposure to the many different patterns and possibilities the market presents. There will not always be a great trade available, but you need to be...
Support and Resistance Zones – Keys to Success

Support and Resistance Zones – Keys to Success

As a trader, you always have to pay close attention to price action. In trading, price is king, and it will tell you all you need to know. The wonderful thing that all markets have is history. The markets will tell you where the sweet spot is on the chart. These sweet...