by Rodrick Chattaika | Jan 20, 2022 | Coin Picks, Crypto U Research, News & Events, Uncategorized
Hello! Hello! It’s a hot week for Cardano fanboys & girls, the moment they have all been waiting for. The Cardano community is known to get a lot of hate for their loyalty to the ecosystem with most believing that it can not possibly overtake Ethereum but...
by Rodrick Chattaika | Jan 16, 2022 | Blockchain, Crypto U Research, News & Events, NFT Spotlight, Project Updates
Who is ARTFKT? They are a creative collective of friends who decided to build the RTFKT creative collective in 2020 during the COVID-era. The founders are Benoit Pagotto,Steven Vasile and Chris Le. Their first collection was released in March 2020, proceeded to be...
by Rodrick Chattaika | Jan 6, 2022 | Blockchain, Crypto U Research, NFT Spotlight
Where does the term come from? You may think the data pirate or perhaps as he goes by officially… “Mark Zuckerberg”.No offense intended…just a pleasant jab to one of the biggest Web2 tech conglomerates of our time. Let’s get back on track, point of the matter is the...
by Rodrick Chattaika | Dec 26, 2021 | Crypto U Research, NFT Spotlight
Firstly, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! Happy to be back smashing the keyboard again; had a busy year building with one of my favourite projects being the NFT Course but one thing I always like the do is to create and educate and thus looking forward to...
by Rodrick Chattaika | Aug 15, 2021 | Blockchain, Commentary, Cryptocurrency
“No tangible value”, “No Use Case”, “Driver of speculation”, “Made for criminals”… just a couple of the many negative common sayings towards Bitcoin; some are not an issue of the technology itself but rather a fault in human nature and society. The others stem from a...