Bridging to Avalanche

Bridging to Avalanche

Avalanche is an open-source smart contracts platform that allows for decentralized applications. Without going too in depth into the specifics of this platform, we will be looking at how to bridge your assets over to the Avalanche chain in Metamask from Binance. I...
Bitcoin for Charity

Bitcoin for Charity

“No tangible value”, “No Use Case”, “Driver of speculation”, “Made for criminals”… just a couple of the many negative common sayings towards Bitcoin; some are not an issue of the technology itself but rather a fault in human nature and society. The others stem from a...
What is the Lightning Network?

What is the Lightning Network?

Let’s say that Mark likes to buy coffee daily and he wishes to use Bitcoin (BTC) to pay for it. This practice is not sustainable with the normal BTC network and Mark would more often than not pay more in gas fees than he would for the actual coffee. Imagine paying $8...


NBA Topshot is a National Basketball Association affiliated collectible platform that enables an in-built marketplace and authenticity via use of the blockchain. The partnership was formed between Dapper Labs, best known for their Cryptokitties, and the NBA. It should...
Woo to the Moon

Woo to the Moon

Woo is a digital asset token that allows for the user to acquire exclusive benefits and/or discounts/rebates on the Wootrade network. Woo is capped at 3 Billion tokens. WOO tokens are bought back and burned each month using the parts of the revenue generated by...