What is DeFi?

What is DeFi?

Have you ever wondered “What is DeFi”? If you have, this might be the perfect article for you. DeFi stands for “Decentralized Finance”, as it is a gateway to financial applications based on blockchain networks. These protocols cut the need for an intermediary, thus...
What is a Crypto Wallet?

What is a Crypto Wallet?

Banks have been the most common place for people to save their money, although abusive policies and restrictions have made these financial institutions unreliable. Cryptocurrencies appeared as a decentralization alternative, in order to give complete power to...
Valora Wallet Tutorial

Valora Wallet Tutorial

Valora Wallet Tutorial Contents: How To Sign Up For A New Valora WalletBacking Up Your WalletAdding CELOWithdrawing CELOSending CELLOReceiving CELOEarn cUSDInvite a Friend 1. How To Set Up A New Valora Wallet Valora is a new mobile wallet and global payments app that...
BakerySwap Tutorial

BakerySwap Tutorial

BakerySwap Tutorial Contents: Connecting to BakerySwap Swapping cryptocurrencies Adding liquidity BakerySwap Staking – Earn BAKE BakerySwap Staking – BAKE Staking ETH 2.0 Staking with BakerySwap BakerySwap NFT MarketPlace 1. Connecting to BakerySwap BakerySwap is a...
SushiSwap Tutorial

SushiSwap Tutorial

SushiSwap Tutorial Contents: Connecting to SushiSwap Swapping cryptocurrencies Adding liquidity Kashi Lend BentoBox/ Kashi Borrow Sushi Analytics 1. Connecting to SushiSwap SushiSwap is a decentralized DeFi exchange built on the Binance Smart Chain, giving you 100%...
PancakeSwap Tutorial

PancakeSwap Tutorial

PancakeSwap Tutorial Contents Connecting to PancakeSwapSwapping cryptocurrenciesAdding liquidity PancakeSwap Staking – FarmPancakeSwap Staking – PoolsPancakeSwap Lottery  1. Connecting to PancakeSwap PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange built on the Binance Smart...