Briefing: Exploring DeFi

this is the awesome start of the DeFi series, where we break down and discover the new and interesting things in the DeFi space and how you can take advantage of them in these changing times. Today we look at prediction markets.

Introduction to Prediction markets.

It sounds shocking, but people have always used information to make decisions. In this modern era, the way we use information has changed significantly. In this series, we will cover the strange and interesting world of Prediction markets.

Prediction markets.

These platforms employ information to influence outcomes through trading principles. In essence, information serves as a pivotal asset in deciding trades and shaping real-life events. Spanning across domains from politics to music and entertainment, these markets were once inaccessible to the public. However, with the advent of Decentralization, decentralized markets emerged, granting wider access to these platforms.

Many Prediction markets exist, but here is a list of a few of the best ones in the ecosystem now:

  • Polymarket: Polymarket is a prediction market platform that focuses on current events and news.
  • Augur (REP): Augur is a decentralized prediction market platform built on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Gnosis (GNO): Gnosis provides tools for creating customized markets, fostering a diverse range of predictions.
  • Omen by dxDAO: Omen is a decentralized prediction market protocol by dxDAO that allows users to create prediction markets for any event.
  • Balancer Prediction Markets: Balancer provides a framework for creating and trading prediction markets within its ecosystem.

Next Episode.

In the next episode of DeFi Unwrapped, we get into one of the most popular DeFi prediction markets, POLYMARKET discussing how to use it and why you need to pay attention to this trend. Get the next article here.


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