We looked at the basics of DePIN (Decentralised physical infrastructure networks) and broke down the various categorisations in the landscape. Today we are focusing on DePIN digital resources.

What is DePIN Digital Resource?

This is the sector of Decentralised physical infrastructure networks that utilises digital resources to adopt decentralisation.

Participants in this sector take part by utilising their digital resources (CPU, networks etc) to connect to the decentralised network.

We can categorise the physical resource sector into 4 categories:

  • compute
  • storage
  • VPN (virtual private network)
  • CDN (Content Delivery Network)


the projects in this sector require participants to dedicate their computer processing resources (CPU) to contribute to the decentralised network.


the projects in this sector require participants to dedicate their computer storage or digital storage resources to contribute to the decentralised network.


the projects in this sector require participants to utilise their computer/digital geolocations to contribute to the decentralised network.


the projects in this sector rely on utilisation of participant servers /nodes to contribute to the decentralised network.


We have briefly looked at a breakdown of the DePIN digital resource ecosystem. This area is rapidly changing, with innovations being introduced into the space.

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