Have you heard of ChatGPT AI? It’s a really cool chatbot created by OpenAI that lots of people have been talking about on social media. It’s only been around since November 2022, but it’s already gained a ton of popularity. People from all kinds of professions, like job seekers, programmers, teachers, and content creators, are finding all sorts of great ways to use ChatGPT.

If you are probably wondering why there has been a lot of fuss about it, this post will give you a well-rounded understanding of it.

What is ChatGPT Ai?

ChatGPT AI is an AI chatbot that you can talk to online. It allows you to ask various kinds of queries and will answer questions like an actual human. The way it works is similar to the automated chatbot services used in most websites to help answer customer queries. But it operates more smartly and can perform more complex tasks. OpenAI is the company behind ChatGPT and its founder is Sam Altman. They’re focused on using AI to make the world a better place for everyone.

The OpenAI team designed chatGPT with advanced GPT-3 architecture, but with some tweaks to make it comprehend and respond to large amounts of text data. The GPT-3 model has multiple layers of transformers that work together to process and transform input data. Each layer takes the output of the previous layer and builds on it. With this, the GPT-3 language model lets ChatGPT make educated guesses about the words that should follow in a sentence and can understand the intuition behind a prompt better. 

The “GPT” in ChatGPT refers to “Generative Pre-training Transformer”. The pre-training process helps ChatGPT to learn how language is structured and what it means. This way, when it encounters new text, it can make more accurate predictions about what it means. Over the years, It was trained with over 570 GB of data from various sources on the internet, such as books, articles, and Wikipedia pages, which contained over 300 billion words altogether.

ChatGPT is currently a free-to-use software, which means anyone can access it without paying anything. But OpenAI has released a new version of ChatGPT called ChatGPT Pro, which you have to pay for. It costs $20 per month and it comes with some extra benefits like priority access, faster loading times, and early access to updates and new features before they become available to the general public.

What are the Capabilities of ChatGPT AI?

Due to the level of sophistication involved in creating chatGPT AI, it has been used to carry out a wide range of tasks. Here are some mentions:  

Write cover letters and CVs

If you tell ChatGPT about your qualifications and work experience, it can create a custom-made resume for you. Although some adjustments might be necessary to tailor it specifically to the job you’re applying for, this could save you time and effort in the application process.

Likewise, ChatGPT can generate a cover letter for you if you give it information about the position you’re interested in. The more details you provide, the more personalized and precise your cover letter will be.

Extract and simplify Data

ChatGPT can extract data from a string of text and generate it into a table, add indexes, understand JSON, and more. To do this, copy and paste the specific and then ask it to extract the kind of data you want and in which format.

Write Code and Debug

It’s amazing what ChatGPT can do – not only can it generate text, but it also can write and debug code, something that was previously unheard of. Even compared to other AI text generation tools, ChatGPT stands out for its coding abilities. You can add ChatGPT to your coding tools to simplify your coding tasks. 

 It’s also useful for detecting bugs and errors in your code, saving you hours of searching for a missed comma or semicolon. In light of this,  it’s important to remember not to use ChatGPT-generated code in a production server without fully understanding how it works. As with any code written by someone else, ensure to use it with caution.

Restyle Writing

Do you love writing but want to give it a more refined and opulent touch? Don’t worry, ChatGPT is here to assist you! Recently, someone I know utilized this amazing tool to rephrase a paragraph from a popular novel, and the outcome was nothing short of incredible. However, if you’re aiming for your writing to not only sound sophisticated but also connect with your readers on a personal level, ChatGPT can lend a hand in crafting a piece that is both eloquent and relatable. Give ChatGPT a shot and witness how it can help you achieve your literary aspirations. Also, if you’re grappling with understanding complicated academic writing, ChatGPT can help simplify it for you.

Create Content

ChatGPT is a highly versatile tool that can be used to generate a wide range of content based on a given prompt. For instance, it can write you lovely poems, news articles, academic papers, music scripts and more.  Also, ChatGPT has been instrumental in inspiring people to explore AI art prompts and develop augmented reality (AR) scenes. With the endless potential of ChatGPT-generated content, it is essential to keep in mind that using it as a guide is recommended, and it’s crucial to verify any facts it provides.

Prepare for a Job Interview

If you’re getting ready for a job interview and need some assistance, ChatGPT can be an invaluable resource due to its vast knowledge base spanning various areas. It can aid you in creating potential scenarios and questions you might encounter during the interview, providing insightful responses to these inquiries, and offering plenty of other helpful tips for getting yourself fully prepared. To test this, you input a job interview scenario into ChatGPT. You would be impressed with the helpful guidance it will provide.

Limitations of ChatGPT AI

While ChatGPT AI has several impressive capabilities, there are also some limitations to its performance. These include:


One of the notable downsides of ChatGPT is that it is not immune to bias. This implies that it is susceptible to generating discriminatory responses, especially towards minority groups, due to inherent biases in the training data. To illustrate, if the training data contains prejudice against a particular group, the model could generate responses that promote that same bias.  It is also a dominant issue that numerous AI tools encounter. Hence,  it’s crucial to keep this in mind and address it to attain fairness and minimize discrimination in technology.

Wrong Answers

As a language model, ChatGPT is prone to making mistakes, and sometimes its errors are quite amusing, as noted by computer scientist Andrew Ng. The problem is that ChatGPT can come across as overly confident even when it’s wrong, which could be dangerous, particularly since it’s not always apparent when it’s giving incorrect information. 

StackOverflow recently banned ChatGPT from its site for three days due to the high frequency of incorrect answers it was providing, which was deemed harmful to both the platform and its users seeking accurate information.


There’s currently a conversation happening on Twitter regarding the number of GPUs required to operate ChatGPT. The main point that’s been established is that ChatGPT is quite costly to run. The fact that ChatGPT is available to users for free raises questions about the long-term sustainability of this project, and how much longer it can continue to operate.

Insufficient domain knowledge

Although ChatGPT AI can respond to queries on a broad array of subjects, it may not possess thorough expertise in particular fields. Hence, it might generate answers that are accurate but lack the level of elaboration or understanding that a human specialist could offer.

How does Chatgpt Ai compare to its competitors?

While ChatGPT AI is widely recognized as a prominent language model for natural language processing, it’s worth considering how it fares against other models in the market. Let’s delve into some of the factors that distinguish ChatGPT AI from its competitors.


The ChatGPT AI is a significant player in the field of language models, with an impressive 175 billion parameters. This feature sets it apart from other language models, making it an exceptionally powerful tool for natural language processing. Thanks to its high parameter count, ChatGPT AI can provide responses that are more intricate and nuanced, making it a popular choice among users.


ChatGPT AI is a multi-functional language model designed to cater to a diverse range of tasks, from translation to conversational AI. Its versatility is a valuable asset for businesses and organizations seeking an efficient language model that can handle multiple functions with ease.

OpenAI’s research priority

OpenAI, a research organization committed to promoting the development of artificial intelligence responsibly and beneficially, developed ChatGPT AI. OpenAI is highly regarded for its advanced research on AI models, and it stands out from other organizations due to its strong focus on ethical AI development.

Continual development

The team at OpenAI is always working hard to update and enhance ChatGPT AI, so it’s constantly improving. This dedication to continuous development makes it stand out from other language models that might not receive updates as often.


Another benefit of ChatGPT that stands it out is that it’s accessible to everyone, unlike certain other language models. As a result, it’s become a popular choice for companies and groups who want to integrate natural language processing into their offerings, without having to spend a lot of money on exclusive language models.

Excellent performance on benchmark tests

ChatGPT AI has proven to be a top-performing language model, consistently excelling in benchmark tests that evaluate language proficiency, such as the GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks. This exceptional performance sets it apart from many other language models that don’t perform so well on these assessments.

What is the future of ChatGPT AI?

ChatGPT AI can completely change how we engage with technology and how we perform various tasks. And as natural language processing technology continues to evolve, ChatGPT AI is likely to play an increasingly important role in our daily lives. 

The future development of ChatGPT is likely to focus on enhancing its language abilities and making it more user-friendly for a variety of applications. As AI technology advances, ChatGPT may become integrated into virtual assistants and customer service chatbots, among others.

While it is not designed to replace search engines, ChatGPT’s natural language interaction, and interface make it useful for applications that require a conversational interface. However, it may not be as comprehensive as traditional search engines in terms of results. In the future, ChatGPT-like technologies could complement traditional search engines by offering conversational search interfaces and summarized search results.